
Children's Outpatient Care offered at Navos West Seattle Campus

Provides tailored therapy services to school aged children. Services include: - Individual therapy - Skill-building and support for behavior change - Family-centered therapy and parenting strategies - School-based early prevention and intervention services - In-home mental health support for children with developmental delays - Substance use assessments - Case management and connection to resources Services provided at a Navos facility, at school or at home.

Physical Address

2600 Southwest Holden Street, Seattle, WA 98126


Office: M-F, 9am-6pm service hours vary.

Application process

Call for an appointment.


Medicaid and Medicare are accepted.  No one is turned away due to inability to pay.  Private insurance is accepted for some services.


Children ages 6-18 demonstrating emotional and behavioral challenges such as anxiety and depression, abuse, family problems, drug and alcohol use and problems at school.


Interpreter services

Service area

King, WA

Agency info


Provides comprehensive mental health services for King County residents. Services include case management, crisis intervention, substance use disorder treatment, mental health counseling, inpatient psychiatric treatment, and limited housing and vocational services. Also provides counseling and mental health services for families, older adults and youth.